Monday, November 21, 2011


I am thankful for so much, I couldn't possibly put it all in one post...but here's the first couple of blessings that come to mind: a loving family, loyal friends, faith, a flexible job, a safe home, plenty of food, passions I have time for, food a-plenty, good neighbors, a car that runs, warm clothes, a great view, joyful children...
My two creative assistants help me remember what the most
 important things in life really are.
And new blog friends remind me that there are so many good people out there in the great big world.  Here's a crafty fun box I put together for Amy from The Idea Room - we were talking about how we have so many extra supplies, so I decided to turn Thanksgiving into an action word (can't take credit for the idea, saw it on a church marquee) and share the wealth.

Happy Thanksgiving Week!  I'll be putting up several new items in my shop either today or tomorrow - not to worry, I'm keeping up with the making end of the challenge, just not the posting end!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cameron! Your blog is so so cute! I love that knitted (or is it crocheted) clutch. So unique and cool! Thanks so much for entering my giveaway. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too ;-)
