Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Latest Addition to Homemade - Patterns!

OK - well, actually it is only ONE pattern, as in singular - but, I am inspired and will strive to take more of my unique designs and get them down on paper.  Hmm, actually, it's in a PDF, but you could  certainly print it on paper!  The great thing about my first pattern (at least in my humble opinion!) is that you don't have to cut any paper pieces.  I personally despise that part of sewing with patterns.  That may be why I don't do it much.  To that end, I created this pattern for my Make-do Fat Quarter Purse so that you measure and cut - so easy!

 Hopefully, you'll like what you see and purchase this pattern - first one to buy it gets the purse free!

Happy sewing - and shopping!

Very interesting . . .

...While doing some research into copyrights - like whether I should mess with it or not - I discovered this article.

Very interesting, yes?  I am not sure if it completely kosher, but it certainly sounds believable . . . and they did include a link to the Copyright Act.  It's pretty dry reading.  Anyway, I don't mind if people use my patterns to make stuff to sell.  I hope they enjoy sewing like I do - that's the whole point - spread the joy!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fabric, Fabric, and More Fabric

Here it is - over 150 fabrics to choose from.  These are all stored in my pet-free, smoke-free home.  My Etsy shop has several bags listed, and I have updated the listings with the amount of fabric needed to make each one, so if you like a bag style but wish it was a different color, just pick from this HUGE assortment and let me know - I'll whip one (or 5 - hey, it's almost Christmas Shopping Season!) right up for you.
Click on the link below to view an album of all the fabric I'm offering right now:

I'll also be offering any of this fabric for sale - $6.00/yd with $1/yd shipping. Fat Quarters (FQ is listed after the description) are $2 each, and free shipping if you just buy one.  Scraps will be charged as a percentage of total yardage, so please email me and I'll measure them and give you a cost.  Email me if you'd like to buy a lot and I'll get you an exact shipping cost.  If you'd prefer to shop using Etsy, let me know and I'll create a custom listing for the fabric you want to buy!  I only accept PayPal as payment right now.

Each fabric description includes the color and shapes, the type (cotton, polyester), and the yardage.  I also noted heavy duty (HD) fabrics, which are heavier weight.  Upholstery fabric (UPH) is mainly large scraps I purchased and do not know exactly what they are made of.  Please refer to the number at the beginning of the fabric description when trying to purchase or choose fabrics for a bag.  Thanks!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pottery is here!

I have finally posted several pieces of my pottery on my Etsy site

These are pieces I made several years ago - sadly, life has gotten a little too busy and my poor wheel and kiln have been gathering dust.  But, I am hoping to get back to the joy of making pots, large and small, sometime soon.

Please let me know if you have any questions!  I am happy to entertain the idea of making some custom orders - might be just the incentive I need to fire up the kiln again right now!

Coming soon: The Smileys . . . made in collaboration with Eva!