Saturday, October 29, 2011

November Post-A-Day Challenge

Once again, I am turning to you, dear reader, to hold me accountable to my lofty ambition.  Because, if I don't, I won't do it.  It'll be like the journal I keep for my kids, which I mean to write in daily, but actually write in q 3 months (and i just try to remember what happened this summer . . . right!).  So, here's my goal for November: to make and post something new  on my Etsy site every day.  So, I might not post here every day, but my goal is to have at least 30 new items in my Etsy shop by the end of November.  That would double my current inventory - unless, of course, you decide to start your Christmas shopping in earnest (no wait, don't start in earnest, start at my shop! Aha, ha, ha . . . eh, it's getting late, I should stop).  But seriously, here's an idea of what my first new item will be.

I made a collage of magazine pages (all fall-themed - interior design write-ups, recipes, landscaping descriptions) and then built this cute little house card.  I actually made this for a friend, so this actual card will not be available (though I am looking into reproductions - I just have to find high quality for low cost).  I am very pleased with how the collage turned out - and will be sharing the how-to for that on my other blog - check it often!  I can think of so many fun ways to use this media I created, and I will be making more, maybe in other colors, too!  Stay tuned - and yell at me if I don't keep up with my November Post-A-Day Challenge!

Monday, October 24, 2011

If I can't make it . . .

. . . at least I can be given some gorgeous pottery for my birthday!  
I am aching to make some of my own, but until the electrician, aka husband, gets to work on the garage's innards, I'm stuck without a kiln.  Well, I still have the kiln, it's just being used as an extremely well-insulated table.  
I hope you are enjoying the purse sale.  Who knows what will go on sale next . . . maybe pottery?  If I sell all my inventory, I'll have to make more, right?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wrap it up

Need the perfect finishing touch to the fabulous item you just purchased from my Etsy shop?  Check out these bows:

I made them myself - see how you can, too!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Big Sale!

I have all my purses and other sewn items on sale at my Etsy site!   I will also be putting lots of fun freebies in each shipment - maybe a fat quarter, a handmade card, or something else you really need but didn't have to pay for.  Free is always good, right?

Check out the sale - you'll be glad you did!

To get to my Etsy site, CLICK HERE!

I'm working on my Big Cartel shop and also on posting items for sale directly on this site.  Of course, that has to fit in between all the other stuff I'm trying to get done, so keep checking back and I'll keep updating and adding items!

Monday, October 10, 2011


We talk about garbage at my house a lot.  Why, you ask?  Do you haul garbage for a living?  Is there a dump next door?  Did you recently invest in AREA Disposal?  No . . . I have a 3 1/2 year old.  And, as those of you who hang out with the preschool set know, these kids find a cause and truly embrace it.  The past two weeks PBS has coordinated their programs' schedules and we've seen no less than three different shows on where garbage goes, what happens to garbage when it gets there, and how to keep so much garbage from piling up.  Therefore . . . I have begun to turn my thoughts to the up-cycling of our current stuff into cooler, new stuff.  My first adventure...
Well, to tell the truth, it wasn't my first adventure.  Find out more about that here.  I've also saved a lot of cool containers - a peanut butter jar, three jugs from happy meal milk (they kind of look like little ghosts), and a bunch of others.  I'm not sure I can put any of the creations from this current craze on Etsy, but at least we're helping the environment!

Coming the Gleedles!  Don't know who (or what) a Gleedle is?  Well, you'll just have to be patient :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Teensy Wheensy

The small but mighty miniature raku pottery has arrived on my Etsy site.  Check it out - I love making these tiny pots - and they'll love you back!  

Coming soon - a big sale!  And, free stuff when you buy something - it's a surprise!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


A big thank-you to all who contributed to this year's MS Walk - it was a huge success, and Team Palmisano (my sister's team) was 5th in over-all fundraising!  

New post coming soon - tiny pots!

Until then, check out my new blog here.  Or go to  I am hoping to keep all my blogs fresh and fun with lots of great posts!

Thanks for reading - Cameron