Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cyber Monday Sale!

You are sooooooo lucky - because I am giving you the secret code to happiness...ready for it?  Are you sure?  Here it is...


This code will get you 40% off everything in my shop - Happy Cyber Monday to you!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Blue Minis - here today, gone Monday!

I have added a ton of new stuff to the shop today!!  My favorites?  Well, it's hard to pick, but I do love my little pots so much, and these are done with cobalt, which is just so hard to resist.  So, this little guy might be at the top of my list:
Wonder where's he's going on Monday?  Well, I am having a huge sale!  That's right - even Etsy shops can help contribute to the lack of contribution to the GNP on Cyber Monday!  Visit my shop on Monday and use the coupon code "CYBERMON" for a fabulous discount!  Want to know how much it is? Hmm, it's a secret, so you'll have to go shopping to find out :)

Monday, November 21, 2011


I am thankful for so much, I couldn't possibly put it all in one post...but here's the first couple of blessings that come to mind: a loving family, loyal friends, faith, a flexible job, a safe home, plenty of food, passions I have time for, food a-plenty, good neighbors, a car that runs, warm clothes, a great view, joyful children...
My two creative assistants help me remember what the most
 important things in life really are.
And new blog friends remind me that there are so many good people out there in the great big world.  Here's a crafty fun box I put together for Amy from The Idea Room - we were talking about how we have so many extra supplies, so I decided to turn Thanksgiving into an action word (can't take credit for the idea, saw it on a church marquee) and share the wealth.

Happy Thanksgiving Week!  I'll be putting up several new items in my shop either today or tomorrow - not to worry, I'm keeping up with the making end of the challenge, just not the posting end!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I know that there are no guarantees when you go to a show - I know that in my brain - but I've never really experienced it...until now.  After weeks of preparation, and of course, my usual last-minute-up-till-3 am craziness, I was hoping to at least break even at the craft show I went to this past Friday.  I did not - not even close!  I sold 6 items, for a total of $19.00, which did not even cover the entrance fee.  It was disappointing.  I was crushed.  I hadn't done a show since my kids were born, which just about equals when the economy started sliding down the tubes.   Apparently, this has significantly impacted handmade craft sales, as well.  So, I went home feeling all sorry for myself.  I was so bummed, and I just couldn't feel better about it - I even considered taking a break from creating, quitting my self-imposed challenge, and starting again in 2012, if I felt like it (I know, I'm kind of a baby, right?).  
Then, I decided to reframe (I learned this from The Happiness Project)...
So, when someone asked me how things went, I said, "Great!  I got so many compliments on my work" instead of "Terrible!  I hardly sold anything."  See - the former sounds so positive.  And the more I said it (because I had told all my friends about this show, so they all asked how it went - strangely, only 3 of them came down to see it . . .) the better I felt.  It really does work!  And I really did get a lot of compliments, and several people took my card and inquired about custom orders, so there is the potential for some future business!
When my son won't take his second nap for the day (giving it up already! You just turned 2!), I will be excited about the extra playtime we get to spend together.
When my daughter comes down in a completely mismatched, inappropriate for the weather outfit, instead of exasperation, I will be exhilarated - at her independence and budding sense of style!
My husband (helpfully - not exactly) pointed out that compliments don't pay the bills.  Thanks, honey.  
I decided to reframe some other areas of my life that sometimes annoy/upset/stress me. 
When my husband calls me for the fourth time in one hour (he loves to talk on the phone - I don't!), I will think about how lucky I am to be married to such an attentive man.
When the drive-thru line at McDonalds inches forward at a snail's pace, I will appreciate the moment to just sit and think, instead of impatiently wondering what in the @#$%* the guy in front of me ordered.
I did this all weekend, and I am amazed at how much less stressed I felt.  I'll keep you posted on my most creative reframings...I'm sure there will be some good ones. 

In the meantime, here's a couple of little imps that I'm very thankful to have in my life - no reframing required.  We had a great time playing in the massive leaf pile we made in our yard.  Now, if only the wind could help us out and move it over to the empty field next to our house!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas is Coming

It's true - I know, I know, Thanksgiving is first, but let's be honest - decorating with turkeys isn't nearly as fun.  So, I've got the Christmas spirit going on in the craft room - and I can't wait to get my fall stuff down this weekend and put the Christmas decor out!  I've made a couple of ornaments and one hand-stitched canvas - more to come, I promise!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Creative Under Pressure

One thing I know about myself - I am GREAT at procrastination.  So, it is a little hard to believe that I'm nearly half-way through my challenge and I've only missed 2 days, and I made up for them pretty quickly.  
Another bag - at least I got this done before I turned to dusting...
However, my creative spirit is flagging at times.  Yesterday, I actually cleaned all evening instead of working on any projects.  Who knew this creative challenge would have so many rewards?  Not only have I posted a lot of new items, but now my house will be clean, too!  Amazing...I gotta think of something even better for December - any ideas?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Purses & Bags - the new stuff!

 Coming to my Etsy shop this weekend (2 tonight, 1 Saturday, and 1 Sunday!) - these four gorgeous bags!  I made them while at Threads & Beds Retreat Center in Danville, IL - 1 1/2 days of uninterrupted sewing may be as close to heaven as I can get here on Earth!  I'm hoping to get some patterns made up for them by the end of November . . . then you could make them for Christmas presents!  We'll see how that goes - I've got a quite a few things I'm supposed to be getting done in the next 19 days!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A little birdie

These little birdies probably wish they'd flown south - since it SNOWED today.  It only lasted for about 15 minutes and didn't stick, but my kids were enthralled and the oldest said, "YEAH! It's CHRISTMAS!"  Luckily, I had these guys to brighten things up inddors.   Fly on over to my shop to get them for yourself!

 I do have several purses all ready to post on Etsy . . . sans pictures.  See above -  it snowed - which made outdoor pics impossible and I really don't like how my indoor lighting is treating things . . . so, tomorrow, I'll put up TWO items to make up for today.  

Happy shopping, and remember, "It's CHRISTMAS!"

Oh, and if you want to make yourself a quick shopping bag to hold all those treasures you'll be picking up . . .here's the link to my Pillow Sham to Shabby Chic Shopper tutorial!

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm a guest!

Read my guest post over at Newlyweds on a Budget!  

New in my shop - buy some little houses to add to your own creations!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Going Strong!

I've made TWO more embellished canvases and posted them on Etsy - by my count, that means I am TWO items ahead of the game!  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Two for Two!

It's a miracle - 4 hours of sleep + 4 kids all day =
I did it!  I made and posted another new item on Etsy.  This 8x8 fabric wrapped canvas was so incredibly easy, it hardly seems fair...but hey, I had a LOT going on today (did I mention the four kids were all under age 4?).  Obviously, my arm is a little bit sore from patting myself on the back ;)

I'll post a how-to on soon enough - because I'll be making more and more of these!  

Onward - tomorrow I have to make a couple of extras because I'll be out of town this weekend! (and that's no excuse to not keep up)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Challenge - Day 1 - Success!

OK - I know it is technically 11/2 now, but give me a very small break - I had to work tonight and couldn't quite get this posted at home. . . 
 But - I did make two collage cards and put them up on Etsy - love how they turned out, don't you?  I made the paper for the house (I'll be sharing a how-to on that soon), then sewed that to a piece of muslin, then sewed that to piece of cardstock.  And, I mounted it all on 165 lb. white pressed watercolor paper as a bifold card.  Voila...and you can even add a message inside in your choice of fonts!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

November Post-A-Day Challenge

Once again, I am turning to you, dear reader, to hold me accountable to my lofty ambition.  Because, if I don't, I won't do it.  It'll be like the journal I keep for my kids, which I mean to write in daily, but actually write in q 3 months (and i just try to remember what happened this summer . . . right!).  So, here's my goal for November: to make and post something new  on my Etsy site every day.  So, I might not post here every day, but my goal is to have at least 30 new items in my Etsy shop by the end of November.  That would double my current inventory - unless, of course, you decide to start your Christmas shopping in earnest (no wait, don't start in earnest, start at my shop! Aha, ha, ha . . . eh, it's getting late, I should stop).  But seriously, here's an idea of what my first new item will be.

I made a collage of magazine pages (all fall-themed - interior design write-ups, recipes, landscaping descriptions) and then built this cute little house card.  I actually made this for a friend, so this actual card will not be available (though I am looking into reproductions - I just have to find high quality for low cost).  I am very pleased with how the collage turned out - and will be sharing the how-to for that on my other blog - check it often!  I can think of so many fun ways to use this media I created, and I will be making more, maybe in other colors, too!  Stay tuned - and yell at me if I don't keep up with my November Post-A-Day Challenge!

Monday, October 24, 2011

If I can't make it . . .

. . . at least I can be given some gorgeous pottery for my birthday!  
I am aching to make some of my own, but until the electrician, aka husband, gets to work on the garage's innards, I'm stuck without a kiln.  Well, I still have the kiln, it's just being used as an extremely well-insulated table.  
I hope you are enjoying the purse sale.  Who knows what will go on sale next . . . maybe pottery?  If I sell all my inventory, I'll have to make more, right?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wrap it up

Need the perfect finishing touch to the fabulous item you just purchased from my Etsy shop?  Check out these bows:

I made them myself - see how you can, too!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Big Sale!

I have all my purses and other sewn items on sale at my Etsy site!   I will also be putting lots of fun freebies in each shipment - maybe a fat quarter, a handmade card, or something else you really need but didn't have to pay for.  Free is always good, right?

Check out the sale - you'll be glad you did!

To get to my Etsy site, CLICK HERE!

I'm working on my Big Cartel shop and also on posting items for sale directly on this site.  Of course, that has to fit in between all the other stuff I'm trying to get done, so keep checking back and I'll keep updating and adding items!

Monday, October 10, 2011


We talk about garbage at my house a lot.  Why, you ask?  Do you haul garbage for a living?  Is there a dump next door?  Did you recently invest in AREA Disposal?  No . . . I have a 3 1/2 year old.  And, as those of you who hang out with the preschool set know, these kids find a cause and truly embrace it.  The past two weeks PBS has coordinated their programs' schedules and we've seen no less than three different shows on where garbage goes, what happens to garbage when it gets there, and how to keep so much garbage from piling up.  Therefore . . . I have begun to turn my thoughts to the up-cycling of our current stuff into cooler, new stuff.  My first adventure...
Well, to tell the truth, it wasn't my first adventure.  Find out more about that here.  I've also saved a lot of cool containers - a peanut butter jar, three jugs from happy meal milk (they kind of look like little ghosts), and a bunch of others.  I'm not sure I can put any of the creations from this current craze on Etsy, but at least we're helping the environment!

Coming the Gleedles!  Don't know who (or what) a Gleedle is?  Well, you'll just have to be patient :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Teensy Wheensy

The small but mighty miniature raku pottery has arrived on my Etsy site.  Check it out - I love making these tiny pots - and they'll love you back!  

Coming soon - a big sale!  And, free stuff when you buy something - it's a surprise!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


A big thank-you to all who contributed to this year's MS Walk - it was a huge success, and Team Palmisano (my sister's team) was 5th in over-all fundraising!  

New post coming soon - tiny pots!

Until then, check out my new blog here.  Or go to  I am hoping to keep all my blogs fresh and fun with lots of great posts!

Thanks for reading - Cameron

Sunday, September 4, 2011

For a Good Cause!

50% of all purchases made through my Etsy site (link at right) until 9/30/11

will be donated to

MS Walk 2011

So shop today and support finding a cure for
Multiple Sclerosis!

Here’s the link to my sister’s page (she’s walking and I’m donating to her team):

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Latest Addition to Homemade - Patterns!

OK - well, actually it is only ONE pattern, as in singular - but, I am inspired and will strive to take more of my unique designs and get them down on paper.  Hmm, actually, it's in a PDF, but you could  certainly print it on paper!  The great thing about my first pattern (at least in my humble opinion!) is that you don't have to cut any paper pieces.  I personally despise that part of sewing with patterns.  That may be why I don't do it much.  To that end, I created this pattern for my Make-do Fat Quarter Purse so that you measure and cut - so easy!

 Hopefully, you'll like what you see and purchase this pattern - first one to buy it gets the purse free!

Happy sewing - and shopping!

Very interesting . . .

...While doing some research into copyrights - like whether I should mess with it or not - I discovered this article.

Very interesting, yes?  I am not sure if it completely kosher, but it certainly sounds believable . . . and they did include a link to the Copyright Act.  It's pretty dry reading.  Anyway, I don't mind if people use my patterns to make stuff to sell.  I hope they enjoy sewing like I do - that's the whole point - spread the joy!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fabric, Fabric, and More Fabric

Here it is - over 150 fabrics to choose from.  These are all stored in my pet-free, smoke-free home.  My Etsy shop has several bags listed, and I have updated the listings with the amount of fabric needed to make each one, so if you like a bag style but wish it was a different color, just pick from this HUGE assortment and let me know - I'll whip one (or 5 - hey, it's almost Christmas Shopping Season!) right up for you.
Click on the link below to view an album of all the fabric I'm offering right now:

I'll also be offering any of this fabric for sale - $6.00/yd with $1/yd shipping. Fat Quarters (FQ is listed after the description) are $2 each, and free shipping if you just buy one.  Scraps will be charged as a percentage of total yardage, so please email me and I'll measure them and give you a cost.  Email me if you'd like to buy a lot and I'll get you an exact shipping cost.  If you'd prefer to shop using Etsy, let me know and I'll create a custom listing for the fabric you want to buy!  I only accept PayPal as payment right now.

Each fabric description includes the color and shapes, the type (cotton, polyester), and the yardage.  I also noted heavy duty (HD) fabrics, which are heavier weight.  Upholstery fabric (UPH) is mainly large scraps I purchased and do not know exactly what they are made of.  Please refer to the number at the beginning of the fabric description when trying to purchase or choose fabrics for a bag.  Thanks!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pottery is here!

I have finally posted several pieces of my pottery on my Etsy site

These are pieces I made several years ago - sadly, life has gotten a little too busy and my poor wheel and kiln have been gathering dust.  But, I am hoping to get back to the joy of making pots, large and small, sometime soon.

Please let me know if you have any questions!  I am happy to entertain the idea of making some custom orders - might be just the incentive I need to fire up the kiln again right now!

Coming soon: The Smileys . . . made in collaboration with Eva!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Open for business!

Hello, future customers!  Please check out my Etsy shop, which has finally been filled with merchandise!  See something you like - buy it!  Wish I had something else - smaller, bigger, in orange or black?  Just let me know, and I'll do my best to create what you want!

I owe a HUGE "thank you" to Tim Piper, who designed and implemented pretty much everything you see here.  The only thing he didn't do was sew a bag!  Check out to see more of Tim's amazing work.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Welcome to the test blog!

Thank you for visiting my Etsy shop! Everything is made by me, in my smoke-free home. While it might seem like my products are all over the place – pottery here, diaper bags there, and a sprinkling of stationery in between – they all share a common theme: use them and love them!

If you see something you like and someone buys it before you get the chance, just contact me and I may be able to create a close replica (but I can’t promise it will be exact, since everything is uniquely handmade!)

Typically, I will ship items by USPS First Class Mail. Within the US, the USPS estimates 7-10 business days for delivery.
I will ship your item to your valid PayPal address unless you instruct me otherwise. Items will be shipped within 3 days of receiving cleared payment (unless it is a custom order, and then it will be shipped in the time frame specified during the order process).