Sunday, November 20, 2011


I know that there are no guarantees when you go to a show - I know that in my brain - but I've never really experienced it...until now.  After weeks of preparation, and of course, my usual last-minute-up-till-3 am craziness, I was hoping to at least break even at the craft show I went to this past Friday.  I did not - not even close!  I sold 6 items, for a total of $19.00, which did not even cover the entrance fee.  It was disappointing.  I was crushed.  I hadn't done a show since my kids were born, which just about equals when the economy started sliding down the tubes.   Apparently, this has significantly impacted handmade craft sales, as well.  So, I went home feeling all sorry for myself.  I was so bummed, and I just couldn't feel better about it - I even considered taking a break from creating, quitting my self-imposed challenge, and starting again in 2012, if I felt like it (I know, I'm kind of a baby, right?).  
Then, I decided to reframe (I learned this from The Happiness Project)...
So, when someone asked me how things went, I said, "Great!  I got so many compliments on my work" instead of "Terrible!  I hardly sold anything."  See - the former sounds so positive.  And the more I said it (because I had told all my friends about this show, so they all asked how it went - strangely, only 3 of them came down to see it . . .) the better I felt.  It really does work!  And I really did get a lot of compliments, and several people took my card and inquired about custom orders, so there is the potential for some future business!
When my son won't take his second nap for the day (giving it up already! You just turned 2!), I will be excited about the extra playtime we get to spend together.
When my daughter comes down in a completely mismatched, inappropriate for the weather outfit, instead of exasperation, I will be exhilarated - at her independence and budding sense of style!
My husband (helpfully - not exactly) pointed out that compliments don't pay the bills.  Thanks, honey.  
I decided to reframe some other areas of my life that sometimes annoy/upset/stress me. 
When my husband calls me for the fourth time in one hour (he loves to talk on the phone - I don't!), I will think about how lucky I am to be married to such an attentive man.
When the drive-thru line at McDonalds inches forward at a snail's pace, I will appreciate the moment to just sit and think, instead of impatiently wondering what in the @#$%* the guy in front of me ordered.
I did this all weekend, and I am amazed at how much less stressed I felt.  I'll keep you posted on my most creative reframings...I'm sure there will be some good ones. 

In the meantime, here's a couple of little imps that I'm very thankful to have in my life - no reframing required.  We had a great time playing in the massive leaf pile we made in our yard.  Now, if only the wind could help us out and move it over to the empty field next to our house!

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